Pottery made to order | repair and restoration studio in Southern Delaware
Pottery and Ceramic Gallery

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All gallery items made by our studio artists. We can create combinations of shapes, sizes, and colors to meet your requirements. All work is made out of Stoneware and is functional

Click pictures for a photo album for each of the artists pottery and ceramic art work

Morty's pottery and ceramic art collection
Morty Bachar
Morty's gallery slideshow
Pottery samples of Morty's work
Patty Storms Ceramic and Pottery Gallery
Patty Storms
Patty's pottery gallery slideshow
Pottery Gallery Projects
Patty's Sgraffito stoneware gallery slideshow
Sgraffito Pottery
Buy Kintsugi / Kintsukuroi art
Kintsugi Art, Morty Bachar
Kintsugi / Kintsukuroi art for sale
What is Kintsugi
Buy Kintsugi / Kintsukuroi art
Kintsugi examples
Lakeside Pottery's project samples made in our studio - adults or children
Studio Projects
Gallery projects viewing slideshow album
Hand building projects
Our classroom projects art slide show
Children projects

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