Pottery made to order | repair and restoration studio in Southern Delaware

Kintsugi Repair Questions and Answers

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Lakeside Pottery is a ceramic studio, 3-D art restoration and Kintsugi studio. We are often asked for advice and archived some of the common questions and answers about Kintsugi below.

How is Kintsugi made in our Studio?

1) What is the translation of Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi

What is the translation of Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi

The translation ok Kintsugi is "golden joinery" and the translation of Kintsukuroi is "golden repair".

2) How is Kintsugi done?
How do you fix broken gold with ceramics?
How do you make Kintsugi pottery?
What is the Japanese art broken pottery gold repair?

How is Kintsugi done?  How do you fix broken gold with ceramics? How do you make Kintsugi pottery?

The Lakeside Pottery website contains instructional and tutorial videos and illustration pages demonstrating how we implement the Kintsugi process. Please visit these instructional pages: How is Kintsugi made

3) Tackling Your First Kintsugi Project
I encourage you to see this as a learning journey rather than a project with high expectations for perfection. The skills needed for Kintsugi are meticulous and gradual, and it’s helpful to keep your goals flexible as you build these abilities. Here are some foundational skills to focus on:

1. Mending Alignment and Precision

Proper alignment is essential for a successful Kintsugi repair. Ensure each piece is meticulously positioned, with segments joined in a way that leaves no gaps or visible discontinuities. Precision here will lay the groundwork for a visually harmonious repair. ** See mending lessons

2. Surface Feel and Smoothness

After filling in spaces, the surface should be perfectly smooth, with no detectable gaps or steps. A helpful test is to run your fingers over the area with your eyes closed, you should feel a seamless transition across all repaired sections.

Note: Many beginners overlook these steps, assuming that Kintsugi's gold detailing will mask imperfections. In reality, the final layers of lacquer and gold will accentuate, rather than hide, any inconsistencies from steps 1 and 2.

3. Lacquer Application

Properly applying lacquer for the gold powder requires a good understanding of the lacquer’s properties, the correct use of tools, and the patience to allow adequate curing time in the right environment. Rushing this step can disrupt the bonding and final appearance.

Applying gold

4. Material Selection and Technique

Starting with smaller, simpler pieces is often beneficial, as it gives you the chance to familiarize yourself with materials, environment, and application techniques without the pressure of achieving a perfect product. Practicing on less ambitious projects will allow you to build up your confidence and skill set in stages.

Mending pottery

Applying gold

4) What does Kintsugi mean?

What does Kintsugi mean?

Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi is translated from the Japanese to mean golden joinery. It refers to the ancient art of ceramic repair with gold using a gold powder that is applied on lacquer. Kintsugi art has become a metaphor for rebirth, healing and the Wabi-sabi philosophy of the beauty of imperfection. Broken pottery is transformed into beautiful art as the breaks are enhanced with gold creating unique and pleasing patterned surfaces.

5) What is the History of Kintsugi?

What is the History of Kintsugi?

The origin of Kintsugi dates back to 15th century Japan. A favored tea bowl of the Shogun broke and it was sent to China for repair. The Shogun was displeased with the unappealing look of the repair. Ceramics were customarily mended with metal staples that were heavy, dark and unattractive. He appointed his Japanese craftsmen to discover an aesthetically pleasing solution and the gold repair, Kintsugi, was born.

6) Why do Japanese repair broken objects with gold?

Is that acceptable to break pottery on purpose to create Kintsugi

The philosophy of Kintsugi honors life experiences whether good or bad. By highlighting the repair of cracks or breaks in a ceramic piece, the events of the past become part of its beauty. There is no attempt to conceal the damage, the repair literally illuminates each scar. The inference for humans is that the scars we gather over time, the breaks, knocks and wrinkles are part of us, they should not be hidden because they make us a more beautiful whole.

7) What does Kintsugi pottery used for?
How the Japanese art of Kintsugi can help one?
What does Kintsugi can teach us about feeling flawed?

Gazing at a Kintsugi art work, we are reflecting on its metaphor -- there is beauty in imperfection, scars are experiences of life, breaks can heal and aging is a natural and beautiful process of life. A Kintsugi life suggests that, like a ceramic piece, there is value to missing pieces, cracks and chips and one may find a new purpose, rebirth and trust by not concealing the imperfections and flaws that have come from living but by giving them respect and even gratitude.

8) Is Traditional Kintsugi using Urushi is the only form of food-safe ceramic repair method?
Yes, traditional Kintsugi using urushi lacquer is the only widely recognized food-safe ceramic repair method. Urushi, a natural resin, becomes waterproof, durable, and non-toxic once fully cured. However, curing takes weeks under specific conditions, and improper use can cause skin irritation. Many modern Kintsugi-style repairs use epoxy and gold powder, which are not food-safe. While urushi has been used safely for centuries, it lacks FDA approval in the U.S.

Traditional Kintsugi with urushi lacquer is heat-sensitive (not microwave, oven, or boiling water safe), dishwasher unsafe, and should be hand-washed gently. It can degrade with prolonged exposure to acids, citrus, or alcohol and, while strong, remains more fragile than unbroken ceramics. Handle with care to ensure longevity.

Is Traditional Kintsugi using Urushi is the only form of food-safe ceramic repair method?

Kintsugi-repaired vessels not made with urushi adhesive and lacquer are not food-safe and should be used for display only. They can hold water but should not be soaked for hours to prevent damage.

Kintsugi gold repair

9) Is Kintsugi an art or a metaphor

Kintsugi is art and a metaphor for most, just art to some and just a metaphor to others. We have made thousands of Kintsugi items and in many of the cases we listen to the story behind the need to purchase Kintsugi vessel. The stories are so diverse and cover customers who seek to symbolize resilience and transformation embracing different aspects of human experience ranging from trauma and illness to social movements and personal struggles or just aesthetics. Other customers just like the aesthetics.

We do not look at the Kintsugi art as one or the other in its totality. The range of those who benefit from the art and the metaphor is so wide from the spouse of a soldier with PTSD, to the priest who sees god in the metaphor or a head of state who sees the metaphor as a tool for improving countries' relationships. Each person benefits from it the way they feel they need, "Art is Life and life is art". Kintsugi embodies this philosophy, serving as a reminder of the beauty that emerges from life's challenges and imperfections while celebrating the beauty of the newly emerged vessel.

What does Kintsugi pottery used for? How the Japanese art of Kintsugi can help one? What Japanese Pottery Can Teach Us About Feeling Flawed?
10) Can Kintsugi be custom made to order? Can Kintsugi be custom made to order?
At Lakeside Pottery Studio, Kintsugi can be made to order using our Kintsugi Gold Effect repair process or the 23.5 Karat gold as one of the following options:

1) Your Pottery is already broken
2) Break your pottery yourself
3) Have us break your pottery
4) Choose pottery from our inventory

See more about our Made to order Kintsugi repair

11) How much does Kintsugi cost?
How much does Kintsugi cost?

The prices of our Kintsugi art varies depending on the number of break lines and their length, and the value of the ceramic piece itself. There is a significant cost difference between true gold powder and our optional metal gold effect process. Most prices range from $100 to $400 but can increase significantly, by as much as 2.5 time greater cost, when true 23.5K gold is used.

12) Is that acceptable to break pottery on purpose to create Kintsugi art?
Through my work, I have encountered about a 50/50 ratio between items broken intentionally versus accidentally reflecting the diverse motivations and experiences people bring to Kintsugi.

By embracing both perspectives, one is able to create art that resonates with a diverse range of individuals, each finding their own interpretation and connection to the work. Whether it's through deliberate symbolism or spontaneous discovery, the ultimate measure of success lies in the impact it has on people's lives. If your art can bring comfort, inspiration, or healing, then it has fulfilled its purpose.

Why do Japanese repair broken objects with gold?

13) How to break ceramic vessel for Kintsugi repair?

The breaking methods I use are different depending on the vessel type and structure. The variables are - is it a bowl, a vase, a plate, porcelain, stoneware, or earthenware? Wall thickness, uniformity, and vessel size also determine the impact point (s) force and tool (e.g., a hummer, or wood). The goal is to have a controlled break so that the break pattern meets your vision and the customer's budget. Breaking it into stages gives me the granularity needed to execute the pattern. Of course, it does not always work the way you wish. Always wear goggles!! Below is one example:

How to break ceramic vessel for Kintsugi repair?

14) Can Kintsugi be applied on glass?
undesirable Kintsugi on glass ghosting effect

While we have previously worked on Kintsugi repairs for clear glass objects, we ultimately discontinued this service due to an inherent side effect known as "ghosting." This occurs when the crack profile and Kintsugi application on one side of the glass remain visible through the other side, creating an undesirable visual effect.

Additionally, when the cross-section of a break is angled, covering one side with Kintsugi does not necessarily conceal the crack on the opposite side, resulting in a visible seam. These effects become even more pronounced with thicker translucent glass, making it challenging to achieve a polished and aesthetically pleasing result.

15) Kintsugi and Kintsukuroi is the same? Kintsugi and Kintsukuroi is the same?
tsukuroi 繕い means mending
tsugi 継ぎ means joint
kin 金 means gold, just 2 terms for the same technic

16) Can other metals be used with Kintsugi such as silver, copper or bronze?
Silver, unlike gold, will oxidize in the open air, thus, the typical/traditional Kintsugi process when the metal is applied exteriorly, will inherently change to a dull oxidized colors. When silver (brass, copper or bronze) application is requested, we use Aluminum powder mixed in a proprietary compound sealing the metal, as shown in the example on right, preventing oxidation. Silver Kintsugi

17) Can Kintsugi be used with gemstones
Yes, gemstones, see glass or other ceramic segment can be inserted. This method is called Yobitsugi repair - a short demonstration of how it is done can be seen in this link. Yobitsugi Kintsugi repair using an agate gemstone

18) Can Kintsugi be used on unglazed or porous ceramic
Yes, but when the ceramic is porous, mistakes cannot be undone - the lacquer sips into the clay body staining it permanently. Hands have to always be very clean (or wear silk gloves). Pit fired kintsugi bowl with lid - porous pottery

19) How to Achieve The Smooth and Precise Appearance of Kintsugi Repair?
The Kintsugi smooth and precise appearance is achieved through a meticulous process, applicable to both traditional and modern Kintsugi techniques:

A) Choosing the Vessel:  Select a vessel with a glossy, smooth surface and no texture. While matte-glazed or textured surfaces can also be repaired, the Kintsugi lines will not have the same sharp, defined edges and continuous appearance.

B) Mending: Achieving perfect alignment during mending is crucial. Any misalignment or irregularity in the surface continuity will be evident in the final appearance, detracting from the seamless look.

C) Filling Gaps: After applying the filler, the surface must feel as if the vessel was never broken. This step requires close inspection by touch and visual to detect imperfections. Often, more than one round of filling and surface smoothing is needed to achieve the desired seamlessness.

D) Lacquer Application: Finding the right lacquer was a long journey. It had to meet specific requirements for applicability, fluid dynamics, and the ability to settle evenly over repair lines, creating a perfect edge and thickness while securely bonding the gold powder. For wide areas or patches, careful positioning of the vessel is essential to prevent gravity-induced drips. Keeping these areas horizontal during the initial curing helps prevent lacquer movement. The choice of brush and a great deal of practice are necessary to achieve precision and control during application. While we share many details of this process on our website, the proprietary composition of the lacquer remains confidential.

E) Gold Powder Application: Timing is critical in this step. The lacquer must be at just the right stage, neither too cured, which would prevent proper bonding, nor too soft, which could cause smearing. The gold powder is applied using an extremely soft brush to ensure even coverage without disturbing the underlying lacquer.

How to Achieve The Smooth and Precise Appearance of Kintsugi Repair?

How to Achieve The Smooth and Precise Appearance of Kintsugi Repair?

How to Achieve The Smooth and Precise Appearance of Kintsugi Repair?

How to Achieve The Smooth and Precise Appearance of Kintsugi Repair?

How to Achieve The Smooth and Precise Appearance of Kintsugi Repair?

20) Why do darker ghosting stains appear along the break line when mending ceramics with urushi, and how can they be prevented?
Darker ghosting stains along the break line, evenly distributed.

Why This Happens:
The mending urushi has soaked through due to the ceramic body's porosity.

How to Avoid It:
Before mending, test for porosity - there are few ways to tell:

a) Alcohol Test: Apply alcohol to the broken cross-section and see if it seeps through.

Water Absorption Test: Weigh the piece before and after submerging it in water for several hours.

b) Sound Test: Tap the ceramic with a metal object (I use my wedding band). A more hollow sound suggests higher porosity, though this method takes practice to interpret accurately.

b) Glaze Check: If the glaze is crackled, the piece is likely earthenware (though not necessarily), which tends to be more porous.

How to Prevent Staining:
For darker ceramics, staining may not be an issue. For lighter-colored ceramics, consider these options:

a) Use clear epoxy instead of urushi although it takes you away from the food-safe traditional Kintsugi

b) If using urushi, seal the porous ceramic first by brushing on a thin layer of nikawa (fish glue) or an organic, food-safe alternative like gelatin or casein glue. This barrier prevents urushi from penetrating too deeply and causing discoloration. Allow the sealant to dry fully before applying urushi.

*** Important note:

When the glaze is crackled (crazed), liquid can seep through it. Even if you seal the porous break cross-section, the crackle itself may darken. To protect the glaze while working with urushi, you can cover it with tape or liquid latex, both of which I use in various restoration applications and steps.

Why do darker ghosting stains appear along the break line when mending ceramics with urushi, and how can they be prevented?

Why do darker ghosting stains appear along the break line when mending ceramics with urushi, and how can they be prevented?

Why do darker ghosting stains appear along the break line when mending ceramics with urushi, and how can they be prevented?

21) How is Bernardaud Sarkis Gold Kintsugi effect is made?
I have experimented with 22K gold luster, creating a food-safe Kintsugi effect on glazed pottery using Duncan OG 805 Premium Gold overglaze fired to about 1,300 degrees F (cone 18). It is applied to already glazed pottery and can be purchased for about $60. The composition of gold luster, containing actual particles of gold suspended in a pine oil liquid medium. During the kiln firing, the organic pine oil binder is burned off, leaving behind a pure layer of melted 22K gold on the ceramic surface. It's noteworthy that it is available in platinum as well. Despite the small size (2 grams) of the gold luster bottle, it can cover a surprising amount of surface area. This bottle can cover the full top surface of 10 shown heart dishes.
How is Bernardaud Sarkis Gold Kintsugi effect is made

How is Bernardaud Sarkis Gold Kintsugi effect is made

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