We Repair and Restore:
Broken ceramic
Broken pottery
Broken sculpture
Broken china
Broken figurine
Broken statue
Broken doll
Broken dish
Broken porcelain
Broken stoneware
Chipped plate
Chipped vase
Chipped bowl
Chipped figurine
Chipped jag
Chipped dish
Chipped china
Chipped stoneware
Chipped porcelain
Cracked pottery
Cracked ceramic
Cracked china
Cracked porcelain
Cracked bowl
Cracked vase
Cracked plate
Cracked platter
Cracked dish
.. and more
How to repair and restore broken pottery, ceramic, china, sculpture, figurines and porcelain? Repairing cracks, chips, and objects with missing pieces? We have generated several lessons or highlights illustrations covering most aspects of repair. See the lessons index and links below.
1) Basic Ceramic Repair This tutorial and video should be studied first. It shows the fundamentals of mending and cementing, filling and sanding your broken ceramic or pottery using easily available tools and materials, saving you the cost of professional repair. Click picture for lesson details
Ceramic Repair Process | How To | Materials | Studio Tour
IMPORTANT: Ceramic restoration materials are not food-safe, liquid or heat-proof (over 190 degrees F) and repaired items should not be used on cooking or food serving-ware more...
Remove old repair, Mend the broken segments, fill gaps, sand filler, paint and glaze the repaired areas
Questions and Answers This page lists some of the most common ceramic repair and restoration questions we receive regularly (e.g., what glue to use, what repair options are available, can the repair be invisible, etc.). Click picture for lesson details
How to: Cementing, filling and preparing surface for painting, painting and glazing chipped pottery, ceramic or china vessels. Click picture for lesson details
5) Repairing Crack in Pottery Lesson How to: Repairing a cracked ceramic or pottery object with a hairline crack using the "pegging" technique when the crack is too tight or cementing (video) if some movement or gap exists. Click picture for lesson details
8) Sculpting Sculpture Missing Segment and Mounting
Valuable antique Buddha statue with missing halo repair and restoration. This video shows how to fabricate a missing piece using the pottery wheel and mold casting.
How to accurately sculpt and place a missing segment on a broken pottery, ceramic or sculpture. Click picture for lesson details
Example B: Recreating a Missing Sculpture Foot
In this vedio lesson, you will learn the step-by-step process of reconstructing and restoring a missing foot on a ceramic Nativity sculpture.
Example C: Recreating a Missing Sculpture/Vase Hand
In this abbreviated video lesson, you will see the process of reconstructing and restoring a missing hand on a sculpture or vase.
Example D: Adding a Missing Vase Base
Example E: Sculpting and Casting a Missing Cup Handle: Clay, Resin, and Kintsugi Finish
A broken cup with sentimental value and missing a large handle segment was restored using 23.5K gold Kintsugi art. This tutorial is focused on making a handle using clay without the need to fire it in a kiln. Turn the speaker on if you need to hear explanations.
Example F: Missing Cup Handle Added With Gold Kintsugi
This mug came to us with a missing handle and a chipped base, having been used for years by someone while serving. Preserving it and applying the gold Kintsugi process held great significance for the owner, as it carried a personal meaning.
The restoration involved taking an impression of a similar handle, casting a duplicate in resin, and securely mounting it with metal pegs to ensure mechanical integrity. Finally, the 23.5K gold Kintsugi process was applied, honoring the mug’s history.
10) How to Repair Sculpture, Statue or Figurine When Metal Pins or Pegs Are Required
** This video showes some painting and glazing steps
Repairing a statue, sculpture or figurine with a small cross-section requiring metal reinforcement using pins or pegs. This lesson will cover all the steps to complete seamless repairs including painting and glazing. The restored figures are rare Ernest Lorenzen ceramic mushrooms.
This lesson will walk you through some of the highlights of both processes, traditional Kintsugi and the Kintsugi effect repair using our proprietary metal alloys and epoxies. Click picture for lesson details
Kintsugi, How it Done and Materials Used. Real Gold and Gold Effect Methods
Video of custom made stoneware heart shape vase with Kintsugi art implemented using Opal gemstones and agate.
Broken cup with sentimental value with missing a large handle segment restored using 23.5K gold Kintsugi.
This tutorial is focused on making a handle using clay without the need to fire it in a kiln.
How to: Cementing and filling broken pottery with missing pieces using fiberglass resin, filler, painting and antiquing. Click picture for lesson details
These two copper and glass antique candle holders are part of a high value set with missing glass windows, and several cracks. We took impressions of the unbroken glass windows created a mold and then casted the needed missing segments using two-part resin epoxy. To see more about the painting process that included: Protecting the copper frame with latex, several layers of coloring to create the faded green glass effect and glazing.
This tutorial / illustration is showing how we restored a very old and meaningful Madonna and Child large ceramic statue broken to several segments and with several missing pieces. Click picture for lesson details
17) Ceramic Sculpture Repair Lesson How to: Repairing and restoring sculpture with missing parts. Click picture for lesson details
Plaster Infant of Prague Statue With Missing Segements
19) Bronze Sculpture / Bust Repair Lesson Antique Napoleon Bronze statue made with "Lost Wax" with the original plaster mold remaining in the statue contributing to present of moisture. The present of moisture oxidized to bronze and eroded to plaster structure. Click picture for lesson details
20) Illustrations of Repairing Ancient Pottery Restoring an ancient Roman vessel that was broken to many pieces and some missing pieces. The challenge was restoring it's "antique" look and putting so many pieces together. Click picture for lesson details
22) Removing Old Adhesive Lesson How to: Separating cemented repaired ceramic and removing old adhesive from ceramic or pottery. Click picture for lesson details
In this example, the marble sculpture broke by the very narrow ankles with about 60 lbs of load-bearing. Cementing-only would not be sufficient and insertion of metal rods was required to ensure proper mechanical integrity. Drilling accurately on both sides of the broken pieces for proper alignment is tricky and this lesson and video illustrates one of the methods we use.
24) Replacing Missing Hand in a Figurine How to: Restoring a Royal Doulton Figurine with a missing limb (hand). Click picture for lesson details
25) Selecting The Right Glue Epoxy Vs. Cyanoacrylate (Super Glue, Crazy Glue) for Ceramic / China Repair. Click picture for lesson details
26) Repairing Metal Sculpture Should I repair my metal or bronze sculpture? Is it real bronze, resin or Spelter and how I can I find out? Click picture for lesson details
27) Removing Stain from Pottery, China or Ceramic How to remove and clean stains and crazing marks from old or antique pottery, ceramic and porcelain safely? Click picture for lesson details
28) Illustrations of Repairing Large Shona Stone Sculpture Restoring a large Shona stone sculpture broken to many pieces and some parts crashed to dust. Because it is a very soft stone, the challenge here was to restore it and maintain it's structural integrity. The other challenge was to treat the added missing pieces with the same color and luster as "waxed stone" look. Click picture for lesson details
29) Illustrations of Repairing Plaster Bust Restoring a plaster bust. This project is the personal plaster bust of David Deacon Jones, awarded to him by the NFL PRO Football Hall of Fame. It arrived at Lakeside Pottery Restoration studio broken, cracked, with missing pieces and several layers of previous repair and painting attempts. The photos below show some of the restoration process steps. Click picture for lesson details
30) Illustrations of Hopi Indian Pottery repair This Indian Hopi pottery vase made by Stetson Setalla, came to us very broken with missing pieces and several hairline cracks. Restored inside as outside. Click picture for lesson details
31) Illustrations of Ancient Method of Repairing Pottery with Staples Ancient method of repairing pottery and ceramic vessels with metal staples or rivets before the availability of adhesives. More about modern use of pins and pegs. Click picture for lesson details
Over 100 years old badly damaged figurine. It broke into many pieces, with some segments missing that required sculpting. Below are some of the steps taken. Click picture for lesson details
33) Very Broken Large Bowl With Missing Segments Repaired and Finished with Kintsugi Process
Porcelain marks are the fingerprints of antique china. Serving as both evidence of its origin, age, and often times, quality, the makers mark on a porcelain item is the first place many collectors look before making a purchase. Click picture for lesson details