Pottery made to order | repair and restoration studio in Southern Delaware
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Make Missing Miniature Part to a Ceramic Figurine Using a Pin

Cybis Arion Boy on Dolphin - Missing Finger

This figurine arrived with a missing miniature finger. Due to the very small finger surface area, a metal pin must be instructed through the base of the finger and the newly made ceramic finger. The precision and use of the right instrumentation are essential to the success of this or any figurine repair and restoration such as Hummel, Lladro, Lenox, Royal Doulton Lomonosov, or Sibania figurines.

Cybis arion boy ceramic figuring with missing finger
Broken Figurine

Diamond drill bits - 2mm
Diamond drill bits - 2mm

Drill a hole through finger base
Drill a hole through finger base

drilled hole in ceramic
See drilled hole

Make-finger from clay
Make-finger from clay

Shape finger
Shape finger

Make a few and fire in kiln
Make a few and fire in kiln

Kiln fired to 2300 degree F
Kiln fired to 2300 degree F

Drill hole through finger
Drill hole through finger

Cement to pin and grind to shape
Cement to pin and grind to shape

Verify dimensions
Verify dimensions

Verify fitting before cementing
Verify fitting before cementing

Cement finger and hold in place with clay
Cement finger & hold in place w/ clay

Fill gaps with epoxy filler
Fill gaps with epoxy filler

Place in 130 degree F for proper cure
Place in 130 degree F for proper cure

Sand and polish surfaces
Sand & polish surfaces

paint and color repaired areas
Color How to paint repaired ceramic

glaze reapired area matching sheen and surface texture

restoration completed

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