Pottery made to order | repair and restoration studio in Southern Delaware

Indian Hopi Pottery Restoration

This Indian Hopi pottery vase made by Stetson Setalla, member of the Bear Clan, came to us very broken, with missing pieces and several hairline cracks. The customer requested a complete restoration, including the inside. Below are some of the steps taken.

Broken pot arrived

Cementing work in progress

Replaced fragmented pieces with fired pottery segments - rear

Replaced fragmented pieces with fired pottery segments - front

Inserted metal pegs given the structural weaknesses

Filled all repair gaps

Sanding process starting with 200 grit, then 400 grit and ended with 3,200 grit mesh

Side view - all painted by hand see more about painting

Bottom painted using hairbrush

Top and bottom glazed with matching sheen level

Customer's Thank you note

Dear Patty & Morty,

My wife and I collect Indian Pottery, baskets and other meaningful pieces, most considered antiques. Our two Schnauzers were running around the den and knocked over a stand on which set a large Hopi Pot created by a well known potter. It shattered into almost 40 pieces, large and small, which did not include the very small "rice" pieces of which there were many. We were heart broken as it was one of our favorite pots (and was fairly expensive).. We had used Lakeside in the past to repair another pot knocked over by a neighbor at a Christmas Party.,so we decided to contact Patty and Morty at Lakeside in the hope of all hopes that they could restore it. We shipped it to them and received a confirmation that they could restore it. Several weeks later a box arrived with our pot. When we opened the box we could not believe how GREAT it looked. Not only was the pot in one piece but the painting was redone to perfection, even the interior. Those who are familiar with Indian painted pots know how intricate they can be as the paint is hand mixed and the figures are small. They are outstanding artistic individuals. I do not hesitate to tell all of our friends about them in case they should have a situation where ceramic or clay restoration is needed. John and Nancy, Texas.

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